
Dear Ashton Village Resident,
POOL ACCESS: The pool will be open for the swim season as of May 4, 2024. Pool hours are 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. *Pool is closed on Mondays for cleaning.
If any Federal Holidays fall on Monday during the season, pool will be closed on Tuesday.
The pool will close for the season October 31, 2024.
Only residents who are current in their assessments will have access to the amenities. If you have already completed these forms and obtained a key fob, it will be automatically reactivated for the 2024 pool season. If you have not already obtained a key fob, please sign and return the “Waiver of Liability Permission Form” and complete and return the pool registration form so that a key fob can be activated and issued to you FREE OF CHARGE. Please mail or email the forms to VanMor Properties, Inc., 7102 Glen Chase Court, Houston, TX 77095, FAX: 832-593-7301, Email: frontdesk@vanmor.com by April 26th in order to obtain your key fob for FREE!
If you are leasing a property, a copy of your lease must be provided with your registration form.
After April 26th, key fobs will only be issued by mail. You will need to mail your forms and a check made payable to VanMor Properties, Inc. in the amount of $5.00 per key fob to the address noted above.
If you have never received a key fob, one will be issued to each household at no cost to you. Should you wish to have a second card or need to replace a lost or stolen card, you will be charged a non-refundable fee of $10.00.
The Ashton Village HOA Pool is a SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK pool, lifeguards ARE NOT available. The Red Cross offers classes in CPR/First Aid and Water Safety classes. The Board of Directors strongly encourages you and your children to enroll in these courses. Please contact the Red Cross for class schedules and costs.
TENNIS COURT ACCESS: The tennis court is available year-round between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Waiver of Liability Permission Form
AV – 2024 Pool Registration Memo
Supplemental Pool Rules
To view a PDF of the Supplemental Pool Rules, click here.
The Ashton Village pool is open to residents Tuesdays through Sundays from May 1 to October 31.
The following rules and regulations have been established for the benefit of all users of the Swimming Pool to assure the safe operation of the pool facilities and to provide enjoyable recreation for all. Patrons are expected to cooperate in observing these rules. Patrons violating swimming rules are subject to the immediate ejection and potential revocation of their swimming privileges. As an important note, the recreation areas are under 24-hour video surveillance for our safety and security. If you do not wish to be recorded, you should not use the facilities.
The Association Management and Board of Directors as well as authorized contractors with board approval reserve the right to refuse admittance into any AVHOA recreational facility when the capacity of the area has been reached or when otherwise deemed necessary for the health, welfare or safety of our residents.
Please help us keep our pool, club house and park area clean and safe. This facility is completely supported by our annual dues. Please ensure our assets are cared for appropriately. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!! Report issues or suggestions to amanda@vanmor.com
Homeowner’s Rules and Standards
- No one will be allowed in the swimming area unless the pool is officially open. Entering the pool premises when it is not open may result in prosecution for trespassing.
- You must use your access card to enter the pool area and keep it with you. DO OPEN THE GATE FOR ANYONE unless they are your guest. If you are asked to open the gate you should decline. It is each owner’s responsibility to make sure their card is in a working status. If asked to show your card to AVHOA boards members, HOA management or security contractors your cooperation is appreciated and expected.
- The gates must always be kept closed. DO NOT PROP OPEN THE GATES.
- Anyone not toilet-trained or (incontinent) who wishes to enter any pool must wear a clean diaper or disposable swim diaper covered by separate rubber/vinyl pants, all of which must fit snugly around the legs and waist. If the diaper becomes soiled, this person must leave the pool immediately, and may not return until he/she has taken or been given a soap shower and has been recovered by a new diaper with clean rubber/vinyl pants.
- The Ashton Village Homeowners Association assumes no liability for injuries or damages arising from the results of participation. Due to the strenuous nature of some activities, the participant is advised to consult his/her physician concerning fitness to participate. All activities present certain inherent risks and hazards which the participant assumes.
- All AVHOA assessments must be current to access any of the pool, park, or club house areas. Homeowners and their guests, not in good standing, should never enter the pool or park area while suspension is in effect.
- All patrons within the pool area must be attired in swimming apparel. No street shoes or clothing allowed on decks. (exception is during swim meet) The swimming pool and decks must be maintained in a sanitary manner for the protection of residents and guest.
- Children under 13 entering the pool complex must be accompanied and cared for (at poolside) by a responsible person 18 years old or older in bathing suit attire. Children under 6 need to have a responsible adult person in the water with them. 1 to 1 Adult to child ratio must be maintained – no exceptions.
- After 6 p.m. any youth under the age of 16 who is not accompanied and supervised at the pool by an adult (18 and over) must leave the pool complex.
- Use of the wading pool (Tot Pool) is restricted to children five (5) years old and younger. Each child must be supervised at poolside by a person at least 18 years old. Children must not be left unattended.
- Food or refreshments may be consumed only at tables located at least 12 feet from poolside. All refuse and waste papers must be deposited in designated receptacles. Food or drink is NOT permitted in shower/rest rooms. If you have trash, throw it away, if you see trash, please pick it up and throw it away.
- Picnic baskets are permitted in the grass area of the pools. No grills, gas or electric cooking devices may be brought into the pool complex.
- Glass containers, alcoholic beverages, drugs and pets are not permitted in the pool complex. An exception will be made for a seeing-eye dog for the visually impaired.
- Guest Policy – each registered resident (each must be listed on the annual pool registration) above 16 years old may have no more than 2 guests each. Guest under 16 must have a Parent or guardian 18 years or older. A group of children (5 or more, 6-17 years of age) entering the pool “as a group” must be directly supervised at poolside by an adult in swim attire. There must be one adult for every five children. Groups with children under 6 years of age must provide 1 adult per child in the water due to the high-risk nature of the activity for this age group.
- Leave valuables at home. The Ashton Village Homeowners Association is not responsible for personal property or valuables at any time.
- Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted in the pool complex or in the surrounding area or will be asked to leave.
- No person within the pool grounds shall behave in such a manner as to jeopardize the safety and health of himself/herself and others. Such behavior, including abusive or profane language, shall be grounds for expulsion. There is NO SMOKING in the pool or park facilities. You must leave the common areas to smoke.
- Loitering will not be permitted on the pool grounds or within any of its facilities.
- Any injury or incident occurring in the pool area must be reported to the Association Management immediately. VanMor property management amanda@vanmor.com.
- Association employees, Board Members and contractors are the only persons allowed in the guard room, filter room, mechanical room, storage room and offices.
- Headphones are recommended to be worn or keep volume to a minimum when listening to musical or entertainment devices. The recreation areas are intended to be a quiet and safe place for our residents and their guest. Care should be taken to not disturb or disrupt others. No vulgar, profane, or otherwise offensive material will be allowed.
- The use of cameras, video cameras or any device containing camera equipment of any kind is prohibited in all bathrooms and changing facilities.
- Parties are defined as organized gatherings that exceed the defined limits of guest per owner/resident’s recreation facility rules. Request for parties must be submitted by email to Van Moore Property Management (amanda@vanmor.com) company at least 10 business days in advance. Request must be from the property owner on record with VanMor and must include the proposed Date and Time as well as details including numbers of people and duration. Adult to swimmer ratios must be followed. A letter of understanding will be issued upon approval and must be signed and returned electronically at least 2 business days prior to the proposed event or the event may be canceled. This is a PRIVATE community pool and care must be taken to not disrupt or disturb those outside of your event enjoying the recreation facilities. Failure to follow these rules could result in approval being rescinded and party being asked to leave.
AVHOA Approved
Rules and Standards for Swimmers
Guest Policy – each registered resident (each must be listed on the annual pool registration) above 16 years old may have no more than 2 guests each. Guest under 16 must have a Parent or guardian 18 years or older. A group of children (5 or more, 6-17 years of age) entering the pool “as a group” must be directly supervised at poolside by an adult in swim attire. There must be one adult for every five children. Groups with children under 6 years of age must provide 1 adult per child in the water due to the high-risk nature of the activity for this age group. The gates must always be kept closed. DO NOT PROP OPEN THE GATES or let people in other than your family or guest.
1.Pool users must wear swimming suits or swimming trunks upon entry into the pool. Clothing such as cut-offs, gym shorts, and underwear is not permitted as swimwear. Swimwear should not have been worn for exercising immediately prior to pool use and must be colorfast and of a lightweight material suitable for swimwear. Clean T-shirts or Sun Protection Shirts may be worn.
- Association Management and members of the Board of Directors have authority to enforce all pool rules. Patrons who violate the rules may be ejected and risk having their privileges revoked.
- All patrons must be clean prior to entering the deck area. It is highly recommended to shower before each entrance into the water in order to rinse off perspiration, lotions, sunscreens, etc.
- Any person having a skin disease, sore or inflamed eyes, cold, nasal or ear discharge, or who is wearing any kind of bandage or band-aid will not be permitted in the pool.
- Persons having any considerable area of exposed sub-skin tissues, open blisters, cuts, etc., are warned that these are likely to become infected. Such persons may not use the pool until the condition has passed.
- Any adult or child who is experiencing even a mild case of diarrhea may not use the pool.
- Running, boisterous or rough play, pushing, acrobatics, dunking, wrestling, excessive yelling, diving or jumping in unsafe manner, snapping of towels, improper conduct causing undue disturbances in or about the pool area or any acts which would endanger any patron are prohibited.
- Spitting, spouting of water, blowing nose or urinating in the pool are prohibited.
- Prolonged underwater swimming for distance is not permitted for safety reasons.
- Non-swimmers must remain in shallow water (chest deep or less) and should consider wearing a life vest.
- Only personal inflatable floats may be used. Inner tubes, surfboards and boats are not permitted. Playing catch in the pool is a frequent activity and should be engaged in with caution. You should avoid footballs and Baseball or any toy that has to potential harm those in the vicinity. Reasonable discretion should be used to ensure the safety and comfort of those around you including stopping the game if the pool becomes crowded.
- Food and drinks are not permitted on the pool decks directly next to the pool or in the pool.
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the recreation facilities. You must leave the property to smoke.
- Single groups shall not monopolize a particular area of the pool and thereby limit its use by or intimidate other patrons. AVHOA Swim Team events may be excluded from time to time from this rule during structured swim team activities only which must be approved in advance.
- Only resident’s that have been certified by the American Red Cross to teach swimming may utilize the pool to provide swimming instruction. No activity for private gain is permitted at any time.
- Wearing eyeglasses in the pool is discouraged unless necessary. Non-breakable lenses and frames are required for safety.
- 17. Gum chewing is not permitted anywhere in the pool complex for health and safety reasons.
- Chairs are not permitted within 6 feet of the pool side. Please do not drag pool furniture as it destroys the legs and creates premature failure. Do not use furniture or trash cans to jump off or over.
- Patrons must leave the pool area 15 minutes before closing time and clear the locker room facilities by closing time. Please clean up all trash. If you have trash throw it away, if you see trash please pick it up.
- Tables may not be reserved by placing towels and/or personal belongings on them. No sitting on tables or the backs of chairs. No jumping from any of the fences or any other elevated surface.
- During storms the pool will be closed, and the entire area must be cleared of patrons. Due to limited cover, patrons are encouraged to go home. Others must remain within the shelter of the bathhouse or their car. The pool will normally open thirty (30) Minutes after the storm threat has passed.
- Coast Guard approved and labeled personal flotation devices, such as vests designed to provide vertical support, may be worn. Water wings (floaties) may also be worn. Everyone under 18 wearing a personal flotation device must be accompanied by an adult in the pool, within arm’s reach.
- NO DIVING. Stay off the deep end pool rope/float
- Safety equipment for emergencies use only, Don’t not use life ring and rope as a toy.
- Headphones are recommended to be worn or keep volume to a minimum when listening to musical or entertainment devices. The recreation areas are intended to be a quiet and safe place for our residents and their guest. Care should be taken to not disturb or disrupt others. No vulgar, profane, or otherwise offensive material will be allowed. No parties without prior approval visit our website for additional information on process and rules that apply to a “party”.
Any injury or incident occurring in the pool or recreation area must be reported to the Association Management as soon as possible VanMor property management amanda@vanmor.com