DATE: April 19, 2021  

TIME: 6:30pm  

LOCATION: Ashton Village HOA Clubhouse  

 3246 Ashlock Drive  

 Houston, TX 77082  


 Via ZOOM:  

Meeting ID: 548 352 1416  

Passcode: 7300  

One tap mobile: 1-346-248-7799  

This shall serve as notice of the Board of Directors meeting, date, time and location shown above. 

  1. Call Meeting to Order  
  2. Approval of Minutes – Board of Directors Meeting held on January 19, 2021.  
  3. Guest – City Council Member, Tiffany Thomas  
  4. Open Homeowner Discussion – This section is intended to provide members an opportunity to  give input to the Board of Directors. The Board will take any input under advisement but may not  respond immediately as they proceed with the planned business of the Association. The Board  reserves the right to limit this section of the meeting to a time they believe is appropriate.  
  5. Committee Reports  
  6. Manager’s Report  
  7. New Business  
    1. Spring Season Flowers and Mulch Proposals  
  8. Unfinished Business  
    1. Adoption of Guidelines – Property & Improvement Maintenance Standards  
  9. Set Next Meeting: July 19, 2021  
  10. Adjournment